Longwood Neighborhood
Homeowners Association


This website provides communication for current and future property owners of Longwood. To ensure compliance with all rules and regulations, Longwood Owners Association maintains this website, which contains all information about the rules and regulations. If you have questions, please contact the board. Property owners should subscribe here to receive the most recent announcements and minutes of meetings via email.

The affairs of the Owner Association are managed by a Board of five (5) Directors, all of whom must be Dwelling Owners and Members. Per the Bylaws, the Directors meet quarterly to conduct Association business and address non-compliance with the Rules and Regulations. Step-by-step, documented processes are followed by the Board when conducting business according to Texas HOA Law. The meetings follow the Rules of Order and are open to the public. Any Board meeting announcements and minutes are published and distributed to the owners. The Board is responsible for setting the Association’s annual budget and for managing the Association’s funds.


Latest Meeting Announcements and Minutes

The most recent meeting was held July 25, 2024

Owners may reach out to the board via email with any questions. board@longwoodinconroe.com


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